4 ways to strengthen your mental state

we all struggle, have bad days, doubt ourselves and even have feelings of hopelessness. the most important part is knowing you’re not alone. The mental game is a long one … a lifetime long. it’s important to give your mental health the attention it needs. good habits can really transform your brain’s way of thinking, feeling & doing. we can’t just sit in the negative. we must actively strive to become the best visions of ourselves while we battle all the fast pace, negative and sometimes lonely moment life throws at us.

get around good people

have you ever heard the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with” well, this means your associations can actually change your character. if you spend a lot of time with people that complain about their lives, always are tired, aren’t physically active and just plain aren’t happy people … you will start to adopt those same qualities. or worse! you might feel emotionally drained after spending an afternoon together.

it’s okay to outgrow a particular friend group. it might even be a relief. doesn’t mean you have to avoid them and never hangout … but you limit these interactions.

get around good people. the ones that root for you and want to see you win! the ones that take care of theirs bodies. the ones that have positive energy and welcome you with a smile.

personal development

this is a big one! but hear me out. personal development doesn’t just mean listening to self help books and journaling your feelings each day. personal development is a process. it’s a collaboration of different practices that eventually when done on a consistent basis, will reveal true growth, good mental health and a happy and healthy life.

things that can help develop your brain:
morning and evening routines

a solid workout schedule

healthy eating habits

meditation or quiet time alone

use power words

we can change the way we feel by changing the way we think. we change the way we think by the way we speak to ourselves. this world is full of negative self talk and not enough kind self talk. whatever you tell yourself, you’re right! so why not encourage yourself? or even cheer for yourself?

try repeating these power words and phrases. Pick words that resonate with you. For example:

  • I am a winner.

  • I am in my element.

  • This is easy.

  • I am strong.

  • i love my body

brain food is important

If you’re cranky late in the day, check the obvious first: Are you hydrated? Have you eaten lately? Sometimes a sandwich or a piece of fruit is all you need to get your head straight. studies show that glucose (aka sugar) can help increase willpower, focus and self-control. Not only do your muscles need food for energy, so does your brain.

you ever heard of the term “hangry” yup … that’s your brain saying “feed me or i’ll be cranky or angry soon”

so make sure you’re not skipping meals. what you put in your body matters. and believe it or not, your mental state depends on it!


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