4 ways to keep your joints strong in 2022

just because you can’t flex your joints, does not mean they aren’t there. Joints are the part of the body where two or more bones meet to allow movement. joints are extremely important. without them, movement would be impossible! physical activity, a balanced diet, avoiding injury, and getting plenty of sleep will help you stay healthy and keep those joints happy and healthy too!

stay in motion

newtons law of motion: an object in motion stays in motion. so in other words, if you don’t use it, you lose it! the more you move, the less stiffness you’ll have. if you’re sitting at a desk, watching TV on the couch, or just lounging … take some breaks. get up. move around! your body will thank you in years to come.

shed some pounds

your weight can affect some of the tension and strain on your hips, knees and back. losing 5-10 pounds can make such a difference. each pound loss can take about 4 pounds of pressure off the knee joints. this weight loss doesn’t need to be drastic. take your time. it’s always best to get it off and keep it off. yo-yo dieting can be a pain in the knees (hahaha)

power up your core

your balance plays a huge roll here. with great balance, you’re less likely to fall or get injured. core strength is a great way to help maintain your balance and also your posture. adding some core, back and hip strengthening to your current routine can really help with your balance and overall strength. don’t sleep on planks… don’t skip your ab workouts!

keep your bones strong

bones connect to your joints. strong bones matter! eating vegetables, strength training, consuming enough protein, high-calcium foods, avoiding low calorie diets and getting plenty of vitamin d & k are all ways to help keep your bones healthy. this is important for children, teens, adults and elderly folks. woman especially have less bone density, so getting started now on better bone strength habits would be a huge benefit. as you age, bones become thinner and weaker. we need to take care of our bones at any and all ages!


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