How To Know When It's Time To Start Lifting Heavier Weights

Knowing when to start lifting heavier weights is an important aspect of strength training. Lifting too heavy, too soon can lead to injury and burnout, but lifting too light can limit progress and results. Here are some tips to help you determine when it's time to increase the load:

proper form

Before increasing the weight, make sure that you are using proper form and technique on your exercises. This will ensure that you are working the targeted muscle group effectively and reducing your risk of injury. increasing the load with crappy form isn’t doing you any good.

Aim for muscle fatigue

The goal of strength training is to fatigue the muscle, which means that it's no longer possible to perform another rep with proper form. When you reach this point, it's a sign that it's time to increase the weight.

Use progressive overload

Progressive overload is the principle of gradually increasing the stress on the muscle over time in order to promote growth and adaptation. This can be achieved by increasing the weight, reps, sets, or intensity of your exercises.

seek help from a professional

If you're unsure about when to increase the weight, consider working with a strength coach. They can help you create a safe and effective workout plan and guide you on how to progress properly. click the button below to chat with one of our certified strength coaches about your strength training goals!


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