4 reasons you should barbell train

for new gym goers, barbell training might seem like something that isn’t for you. you hear the sound of weight hit the ground and instantly turn the other direction.

don’t be so quick to judge. thankfully at a real strength gym, we do not have lunk alarms nor do we believe making noise with barbells should be an offensive sound.

these sounds are empowering for both men & woman! here are 4 reasons why you should consider picking up a barbell!


training with barbells and moving significant amounts of weight can help improve your level of confidence. i think this might sound a little questionable, but studies show that barbell training can help reduce anxiety in the body, ease signs of depression and even help improve your mood. sometimes getting motivated to show up can be a little tough, but the long lasting benefits of barbell training are worth the fight to get to the gym!

brain function

lifting heavy weights can help improve more than just your muscles. when we regularly lift weights we are positively contributing to the function of our brains. lifting weights can increase the production of different hormones that can help stimulate connections in your brain and improve brain function. your level of activity can play a huge roll on your brain’s ability learn, think and retain information. especially if you weight train.

strong bones & joints - healthy aging

barbell training is not only great for gaining strength and keep your muscles in shape. weight training can also help improve bones and connective tissue. having strong bones and joints can help improve your stability and overall bone structure. keeping these good practices long term will help ward off injuries and improve those not so great signs of aging. starting the habits at a young age is great for building a strong foundation for when you’re older. continuing there good habits through old age will significantly improve signs of aging and overall health!

burn more calories

we know that weight training can help us burn more fat and calories than traditional cardiovascular training. but did you know that lifting weights and barbell training can actually help you burn more fat outside of your training window? even when you’re not actively in the gym lifting heavy loads, your body is still burning calories from your workout hours prior. the additional muscle your body build from strength training is key here. the more muscle we have on our bodies, the more fat and calories we will burn.


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