4 tips for your next active rest day

we often hear “no days off” but this can only last for so long. Our bodies need deloads and rest from hard activity and heavy weights. this is because your muscles, tissue and tendons need time to heal and rest. a rest day doesn’t necessarily mean a day to lay around and do nothing. although that’s not a bad idea once in awhile, it’s not ideal for every rest day. here are 4 tips to consider on your next rest day — active rest day that is!

take a walk

this is probably one of the most underrated types of movement. a lot of this is because walking can be very low impact and not as taxing as your traditional workout. something as short as a 10 min. walk can have great impact on your energy, mood and joint health.

On your next rest day, challenge yourself to hit up a local trail with a friend or trot your neighborhood with your dog. walking doesn’t have to be boring. it’s a great way to stay limber and move on your days off from training.

run some errands

okay, you don’t literally have to run, but this is a great way to get in some steps on your next rest day. even if you don’t have much on your list, getting your grocery shopping done early or doing MIsc errands while you have the extra time when you’re not training can help save time in the near future and keep your body in calorie burning mode.

stretch in your living room

i promise you have the time for this! in as little as 10 mins you can get in some mobility stretching in the comfort of your own home. This doesn’t have to be a bendy yoga session or a long draw out stretch workout. a few minutes of arm swings, leg swings, low impact butt kicks and some side body twists can be the perfect rest day routine to keep your body limber and ready for the nest training day. anything to help lessen or prevent soreness is something worth investing time into!

take a bike ride or swim

activities like riding a bike or taking a swim are both great for getting friends and family involved. these are great ways to stay moving without the “burden” of having to intentionally do a workout. it’s a hidden rest day activity that acts as the perfect pastime on your days off from the gym. These are also great ways to help keep the muscles warm and help lessen or prevent soreness.


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