5 strategies to shred more fat starting NOW

Body fat Most of our #1 enemy when it comes to health & fitness! Are you Struggling to lose fat but don’t know where to start?

  1. Eliminate snacking:

Chances are you may be thirsty, bored or not satiated from eating real, nutrient dense foods

2. Add 1,000 steps (just 10 minutes!) to your day:

7,000 steps / 300-500 "hidden" calories burned per week

3. Lift heavier weights:

more muscle damage = greater muscle gain = more lean mass = more efficient metabolism

4. Up daily protein intake 25 grams (4 oz or one scoop powder):

Enhanced recovery, increased satiety, thermic effect of food (aka your body works hardest to digest protein and burns more calories, win win!)

5. Drink +100 oz water. Of its MANY benefits, water:

Mobilizes fat, lubricates joints, improves brain function, flushes waste. Fun fact: we’re made up of roughly 60% water, it’s kind of any important thing, drink up!

So there you have it!

If you want to apply these strategies with a certified coach and start burning more fat ASAP, click the booking button to chat with us!


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