4 reasons why you need to move your body

Movement - it's so simple, yet vital for life: Our bodies are designed to move in all different directions; we run, jump, walk, swim, bend forward, backwards and so on. It's movement that gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength, good circulation; including cardiovascular circulation, good coordination and reflex reactivity; improved learning skills and concentration, and mental well-being. Without it we would deteriorate. In fact, excessive sitting is associated with 35 diseases and conditions such as back pain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and depression. Countries such as Australia and Canada have declared excessive sitting as a catastrophe. (an event causing sudden damage or suffering)


Healthy joints

Healthy cartilage helps you move by allowing bones to glide over one another. It also protects bones by preventing them from rubbing against each other. Keeping your joints healthy will allow you to run, walk, jump, play sports, and do the other things you like to do.

Physical Strength

Strength is one of the main fitness components, important for success in many sports. Certain sports, such as weight lifting, wrestling and weight throwing, it is the most important physical attribute. but you Don’t necessarily need to be participating in these activities to need strength. Muscular strength and endurance are important for many reasons: Increase your ability to do activities like opening doors, lifting boxes or chopping wood without getting tired. Reduce the risk of injury. if you have a body … you need to move it and keep it strong!

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Exercise boosts overall circulation. This pushes waste out of the body. Proper circulation is key for maintaining optimal health. It ensures that blood and oxygen continuously flow throughout the body, allowing every organ to function properly. It helps to heal wounds faster, it keeps your brain sharp, it keeps your heart healthy, and it even gives your complexion a nice glow!

improve mental health

our bodies crave movement. Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help. increasing your focus during your movement session (working out, walking, yoga ex.) will give you a much better outcome.


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